Reception Class
Ages 4 - 6
A day in Reception Class
7.35 – 7.50 AM
Soft start, an opportunity for students to explore the learning areas inside their classroom and the adjoining gardens, as well as a chance for parents to speak to the class teachers.
7.50 – 8.00 AM
Registration, where the day begins with some time together to look forward to the activities of the day.
8.00 – 11.00 AM
Learning time which is either child-initiated or led by the class teacher and assistant teacher, with specialist teaching in music,
11.00 – 12.00 PM
12.00 – 2.40 PM
Continued learning time with class teachers or specialist teachers.
2.40 – 3.00 PM
Learning time which is either child-initiated or led by the class teacher and assistant teacher, with specialist teaching in music,
3.00 – 3.40 PM
Optional extra-curricular activities run by specialist teachers.